2nd Grade

Mathematic Standards
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  • Students will extend their understanding of the base-ten system. This will include ideas of counting in fives, tens and multiples of hundreds. Students will understand multi-digits numbers up to 1,000.
  • Represent and solve word problems involving addition and subtraction within 100.
  • Fluently add and subtract within 20 and know all sums of two one-digit numbers.
  • Determine whether a group has an odd or even number of items by pairing objects
  • Work with the total number of objects arranged in an array
Number and Operations in Base Ten
  • Students will use their understanding of addition to develop fluency with additional and subtraction within 100. They will solve problems within 1,000.
  • Understand place value. Understand that three digits number represents hundreds, tens and ones.
  • Count within 1000; skip by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s.
  • Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on a place value.
Measurement and Data
  • Students will develop an understanding of standard units of measure and develop an understanding of time and money.
  • Measure the length of an object and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks and measuring tape.
  • Tell and write the time to the nearest five minutes, using am and pm.
  • Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
  • Students will describe and analyze shapes by examining their sides and angles. They will develop a foundation for area, volume, congruence and symmetry.
  • Reason with shapes and their attributes.
  • Recognize and identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes.
  • Develop a foundation for understanding perimeter, area and congruence.
  • Students understand the basic features of reading. They select letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllabication, and word parts. They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading.
    • Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr., St.).
    • Identify and correctly use regular plurals(e.g., -s, -es, -ies) and irregular plurals(e.g., fly/flies, wife/ wives).
    • Understand and explain common antonyms and synonyms.
    • Use knowledge of individual words in unknown compound words to predict their meaning.
    • Know the meaning of simple prefixes and suffixes (e.g., over-, un-, -ing, -ly)
Reading Comprehension
  • Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material. They draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed (e.g., generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, comparing information from several sources).
    • State the purpose in reading (i. e., tell what information is sought).
    • Use knowledge of the author’s purpose( s) to comprehend informational text.
    • Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).
    • Restate facts and details in the text to clarify and organize ideas.
    • Recognize cause-and-effect relationships in a text.

Students write clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea. Their writing shows they consider the audience and purpose. Students progress through the stages of the writing process(e.g., prewriting, drafting, revising, editing successive versions). Create readable documents with legible handwriting.

Writing Applications

Students write compositions that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and experiences. Student writing demonstrates a command of standard American English and the drafting, research, and organizational strategies outlined in Writing Standard 1.0.

Sentence Structure and Grammar
  • Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences.
  • Recognize and use the correct word order in written sentences.
  • Identify and correctly use various parts of speech, including nouns and verbs, in writing and speaking.
  • Use commas in the greeting and closure of a letter and with dates and items in a series.
  • Use quotation marks correctly.

Capitalize all proper nouns, words at the beginning of sentences and greetings, months and days of the week, and titles and initials of people.

  • Spell frequently used, irregular words correctly (e.g., was, were, says, said, who, what, why).
  • Spell basic short-vowel, long-vowel, r- controlled, and consonant-blend patterns correctly.
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